6 Steps to Register Your Trademark

Step 2: What category does it belong to?

Once you have selected upon your “trademark”, you will have to ascertain under what “class” it is required to be registered.

You will find various categories of goods/services divided as per their applicable classes (under WIPO classifications) at the following link: http://www.oppedahl.com/trademarks/tmclasses.htm. It is always advisable to register your “trademark” in classes of goods/services which may be affiliated with your core business. For example, if you run coaching classes and choose to register your trademark under Class 41 (education), you may also consider registering your mark under class 16 (stationery) so that you can then use your logo on the notebooks that you would provide in your classes!

Lastly, do not get trigger happy and apply for registration across a variety of unrelated classes, as the law requires usage of your mark under that particular class, failing which your mark (under that class) can get revoked!

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    Deepa Govind
    27 February , 10:34 pm

    Well documented Rachana. A must have and must do even if it is one-woman-show. Afterall, lack of trademark registration should not be an obstacle at growth on a later date/

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    Rachna Monga
    12 March , 1:02 am

    glad that you found it useful. thanks

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